My Pencil Jar and My Hedgehog


I have two treats of creativity to write about today on The Goody Tin! First is a pencil jar covering, and the second is my newly made felted hedgehog!

For two weeks I have been eating jam with my breakfast, and for good reason. I wanted to finish of the jar so i could use it as a pencil holder. But a plain jam jar would be a bit boring, so I made it more interesting by designing a label sort of thing. Same as with my last post, if you would like to know how to make one let me know and I will whip up a tutorial.

This is the front view of the jar, accompanied by Gertrude the sewing machine and my messy Windsor and Newtons.


And the back view!

IMG_3807Now comes the best part of the post where you get to meet my newest felted friend, Mr Hog!

IMG_3831The photos are a bit fuzzy, but so is Mr Hog!


To make Mr Hog, I felted a ball of wool for his body, then a cone for his nose and merged these together with more wool. To make his spikes I cut off strips of the carded wool and then anchored the middle of the strip to the body. As you felt the middle,  it makes the rest stand up. Then you repeat until your whole hedgehog is covered.

Well I’m going to leave him hanging out on my desk, until next time!



Hullo Readers!

I’ve recently dug out my felting things after not having done much on that since last year. Here are the results!

IMG_3801This is my Owl badge, the first badge that I made. It’s quite big and was a good experiment, the ones I made following this have been a bit smaller. The white background is off cuts from a wet felted hat I made last year. IMG_3803Next to come was a smaller badge with a little fox.


Then a badger! For these last two badges I treated myself a little in a sale at the local spotlight buying a new felting tool, it has five prongs in it and make quick work!If you would like to know how to felt, wet or needle felting methods, please leave me a comment!
Hope you like the badges, I may sell these in the future.