My work for 3rd year at Art School.

Untitled1I neglected the blog… again!  Then I remembered the blog (face palm). Without delay I will now update! Here are some images from what has been keeping my busy! And brief description.

Untitled-3Art school is great this year. I’ve moved on from my previous project Hattie Mouse, which was a picture book challenging the “overly educational” and “commercial” forms of children’s entertainment. To making a film-ish project.


This year I am still working with narratives, but I am making a traditional cell animated film. The film is a response to “Hikikomori” which you can go read about here.

The project aims to slow down experience so as to acknowledge the beauty and fleeting sadness of life (in the natural world), mono no aware[1]. This is used as a means to shift ones mind-set to a more positive perception of the world around us and by doing so, lead to a re-engagement with life.

Untitled-9The work contextualizes itself within “The Slow Movement,” and “The New Domesticity.” The film embodies a strong sense of nostalgia, and it is through this that viewers may be inspired to examine their own pasts in hopes of working towards a better quality of life in their futures.


So yeah, the work will be on display in the SITE exhibition at the end of the year in November at the DSA. Dates will be announced later.

In other news, we had a show to raise funds towards out projects called the “Don’t Stop” show. It was concerned with multiples and small scale works. I made a zine on how to do vintage hair styles (might do a post on this). Also put in some prints from the film and a few framed portraits of the Hattie Mouse characters from last year.

Allrighty, over and out!

[1] Richie, Donald. “The Tractate,” In A Tractate on Japanese Aesthetics. New York: Stone Bridge Press, 2009.



Under Construction- Welcome to The Goody Tin

Dear Friends from the internet around the world,

Hello, my name is Alice and welcome to The Goody Tin! I believe it will be a little while before I get this blog up and running, so for the moment please bear with me, and my atrocious spelling!

The Goody Tin is named thus, because of my Grandmother, whom I call Nan. When I was a little girl, I would go and stay with my Nan and Grandad for a week in the holidays. In Nan’s kitchen, besides a wonderful array of biscuits, was a cupboard which I knew as the goody cupboard. Because in this cupboard is where my Nan kept the goody tin. The rule was, you could choose one treat out of it a day. These days it is often stocked with Werthers Originals, but it used to have a real range from chocolate, to peppermints to toffees and everything in between.

I intend this blog to be a variety blog, showcasing my own creative projects. I’ve grown quite shy of sharing things I make anymore, so this is a way of breaking out. I hope that once I get a decent number of posts, the blog will become like a goody tin with each post a little treat for readers to enjoy!

Happy web browsing and bye for now!