Craft Night with Lynn and Kat

1004892_10152145913440917_1522816190_nOn Tuesday night I had the pleasure of attending a crafty and fun evening hosted by Lynn Taylor and Kat Taiaroa at Kat’s quaint and lovely studio. The theme of the evening was making cards. Either greeting cards, or cards about something we were thankful for, or some kind of positive message. But most of all it was an evening about trying new techniques and having fun in a warm and positive environment. Above is the photograph Lynn took for me of the things I made. In fact, Lynn took lots of lovely photos of the evening which I will now share with you.


There were demonstrations of several processes including gelatin printing, screen printing, using modge podge, dyes and preparing a surface with gesso to name a few.


Everyone brought yummy things to eat and drink. In particular, the gluten free veggie pizza was amazing!

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We all enjoyed ourselves, even Mango who is shown posing for me to draw in the two pictures beneath. If you want to see the drawing, scroll back up to the first image in the post, Mango’s portrait is on the bottom left.

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All in all a great evening! Thank you Lynn and Kat!

If you would like to check out Lynn’s blog click here.